

List of 4 items.

  • $2,204

    Gap between tuition and the actual cost to educate each student
  • $3.4M

    Raised in 2023-2024
  • 1,227

    Number of Alumnae Who Gave a Total of $1 Million
  • 4,687

    Total Gifts

Make a Lasting Impact

Every gift to Saint Joseph Academy is important – no matter the size or amount. We are truly humbled and grateful for your support and invite you to contact us if you have any questions or would like to schedule a visit and tour.
In 1890, the Sisters of the Congregation of St. Joseph had the vision to open an all-girls school to serve the young women of Cleveland, inspiring them to become compassionate global leaders through a quality education deeply-rooted in the Catholic tradition. We honor the visionary leadership of the Congregation by partnering with dedicated alumnae, families and friends to secure the financial resources necessary for tuition assistance, operating and educational expenses and capital improvements.

Ways to Give

The Ohio General Assembly recently established a program whereby Ohioans can receive a 100% tax credit against Ohio income tax liability for cash contributions to certified Scholarship Granting Organizations (SGOs) that grant scholarships for tuition to students. By creating an SGO, organizations will receive their contributions directly versus receiving them through a third party.

Learn more about the Saint Joseph Academy Scholarship Granting Organization
We have launched InspireSJA, Our Campaign for Remarkable Women, a $6.5 million capital campaign to create an 8400-square-foot addition to the Academy building. The addition includes new spaces for athletics and wellness, performing arts, and building community, inspiring our students to develop the skills and creativity that make them remarkable young women. 

Annual Fund

The Annual Fund is the Academy’s fundraising campaign that provides unrestricted funds, allowing us to fully live our mission and achieve our vision. Additionally, this fund helps close the $1,562 per student gap between tuition and the actual cost to educate each Saint Joseph Academy student.


Saint Joseph Academy offers donors two ways to provide deserving young women with the gift of a Saint Joseph Academy Catholic education – the Saint Joseph Academy Scholarship Fund and Named Endowed Scholarships. 

Other Ways to Support Saint Joseph Academy

List of 5 items.

  • Cash Gifts

    A gift of cash, most typically by personal check, is the simplest, most direct way to support Saint Joseph Academy. Gifts can be mailed with a notation of your philanthropic intent to:

    Saint Joseph Academy
    Advancement Office
    3470 Rocky River Drive
    Cleveland, Ohio 44111
  • Recurring Monthly Donations

    Recurring gifts are a great way to fit annual giving into your budget and allow you to break a larger gift down into more manageable monthly amounts. When you set up a recurring gift to the Annual Fund, we will charge a monthly donation, in any amount you choose, for as many months as you specify.
    • Automatic monthly donation from your credit card or checking account
    • Complete statement provided for tax purposes in January
    • You can cancel at any time
    To make a recurring gift using your credit card, visit our secure web portal by visiting our Donate Today page, selecting the "Recurring" in the Payment Options section and choosing the amount and duration of your monthly gift.

    To set up monthly ACH transfers from your checking account, please contact Advancement Services Manager Mrs. Carolyn Conway Novak ’06 at 216.251.6788 ext. 224.

    Make a recurring gift
  • Employee Matching Gifts

    Many corporations match their employees’ gifts to the school of their choice. It is simple: Check the Human Resources website for your company - many have forms right there. Send the matching gift form along with your gift to Saint Joseph Academy. We will process the form and contact you when the gift is received.
  • Appreciated Securities/Stock

    An alternative to cash is a gift of appreciated securities/stock, which can provide increased tax benefits over an equivalent gift of cash, especially when the appreciated securities have been held for more than one year. If you are interested in this giving option, contact Vice President of Institutional Advancement Ms. Constance Sipple, CFRE, at 216.671.0166 or click here to learn more about the transfer instructions.
  • Memorial and Honorary Gifts

    Celebrate a significant milestone - a birthday, anniversary, wedding, graduation – or the life of a loved one with a contribution to Saint Joseph Academy. Memorial and Honorary Gifts can also be designated for the establishment of an Endowed Scholarship to create a long-lasting impact on your loved one and the future Saint Joseph Academy students.

1890 Society

The 1890 Society, named in honor of the year Saint Joseph Academy was established, includes a special group of Saint Joseph Academy alumnae, families, friends, faculty and staff members who annually support the Academy with cumulative gifts of $1,000 or more each year.

With sincere thanks for their generous commitment to our mission, members of the 1890 Society are invited to a special evening reception at Saint Joseph Academy Members also receive periodic updates from the President throughout the year.

Members of the Fontbonne Legacy Society are considered lifetime members of the 1890 Society for their generous commitment to ensuring the future of the Academy through their estate plans.

Membership Levels: Gift Level:
Bradley Society $150,000 and above
Fitzmaurice Society $50,000 - $149,999
Saint Joseph Society $25,000 - $49,999
LePuy Society $15,000 - $24,999
Medaille Society $10,000 - $14,999
President’s Society $5,000 - $9,999
Holy Family Society $2,500 - $4,999
1890 Society $1,000 - $2,499

Young Alumnae Leadership Society

The Young Alumnae Leadership Society was established to highlight the growing philanthropic support from members of our young alumnae community. The Society recognizes leadership gifts from alumnae of the last 20 years, with giving levels scaled according to the number of years since graduation. Young alumnae who give $500 or more annually receive full membership into the 1890 Society.

Class of:  Suggested Minimum Donation Amount
2024 $25
2023 $50
2022 $75
2021 $100
2020-2015 $200
2014-2009 $300
2008-2004 $400

Ms. Constance S. Sipple

CFRE, Vice President for Institutional Advancement

The Advancement Department supports the Saint Joseph Academy community by building meaningful relationships with our alumnae, families and friends. I encourage you to consider a gift to the Academy to help bridge the $1,562 gap in tuition between the cost of tuition and what it takes to educate a student. When you invest in the incredible education of Saint Joseph Academy, our students become compassionate leaders in a global society. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions at

Meet the Team

List of 3 members.

  • Photo of Melissa Murphy

    Mrs. Melissa Murphy 

    Development Director
    216.251.6788 ext. 232
  • Photo of Carolyn Novak

    Mrs. Carolyn Novak 

    Advancement Services Manager
    216.251.6788 ext. 224
  • Photo of Carissa McGinness

    Ms. Carissa McGinness 

    Advancement Associate

List of 2 members.

  • Photo of Nora Hennessy

    Ms. Nora Hennessy 

    Campaign Director
    216.251.6788 ext. 229
  • Ms. Elizabeth Fox 

    Campaign Coordinator