

Saint Joseph Academy has created its own SGO - the Saint Joseph Academy Scholarship Granting Organization (SJA SGO). The SJA SGO is designed to allow members of our community to make donations for Saint Joseph Academy students while also receiving eligibility for an Ohio tax credit - dollar-for-dollar. This credit is limited to the lesser of $750 for an individual (or $1,500 if married filing jointly) or the related State of Ohio tax liability.

By contributing to the SJA SGO, you:
  • Have the power to direct your tax dollars
  • Directly impact our students
  • Help us award scholarships to students with the highest financial need
Your support will help ensure any qualified student who seeks one can receive an outstanding Catholic education from Saint Joseph Academy. We hope you will contribute to the SJA SGO to provide scholarship dollars to our students!

3 Simple Steps to Support SJA SGO

Step 1

Estimate your Ohio tax liability 
(in 2023 it was shown on line 8c of your Ohio IT 1040)
Step 2

Donate to the Saint Joseph Academy Scholarship Granting Organization by April 15 or the date you file
Step 3

Claim your tax credit on your 2024 Ohio tax form with the tax credit receipt we will mail you.  If prompted, enter our SGO Tax Exempt Number (EIN) 92-1890302.

Frequently Asked Questions

List of 5 items.

  • Why did Saint Joseph Academy create a separate SGO?

    Saint Joseph Academy created its own SGO – the Saint Joseph Academy Scholarship Granting Organization (SJA SGO) – to allow members of our community to make donations to benefit Saint Joseph Academy students while also receiving this Ohio tax credit – dollar for dollar. Only donations made to a certified scholarship granting organization are eligible to receive this tax credit on an individual’s State of Ohio tax return. Should you prefer to make a donation to Saint Joseph Academy through the Catholic Community Foundation’s Angel Fund, we will still receive it.
  • Who will benefit from this program?

    Donations to the SJA SGO benefit Saint Joseph Academy students and their families by prioritizing scholarships for those with demonstrated financial need. It will also allow taxpayers to reduce their Ohio state tax liability. This is a dollar-for-dollar tax credit against your tax liability or the taxes you owe to the State of Ohio. When you allocate your tax dollars to the SJA SGO, it goes to Saint Joseph Academy to help our students instead of going to the State of Ohio.
  • I received a refund on my state of Ohio taxes last year.  Am I still eligible for an SGO tax credit?

    Yes. The scholarship granting organization tax credit applies to the State of Ohio tax liability.  The liability is calculated before credits are applied for withholdings made by your employer or before applying other tax credits. As long as the liability exceeds $750 per individual or $1,500 for married couples filing jointly, you may be eligible for the SJA SGO tax credit. Please note, however, the tax credit is not refundable. Although credits are stackable, the SJA SGO tax credit in combination with other state tax credits may not exceed the tax liability.
  • Can I direct my donation to a specific student?

    No. As a 501(c)(3) organization, the SJA SGO may not accept donations for a specific student.
  • Can I direct my donation to a specific scholarship fund or department?

    No. As a 501(c)(3) organization, the SJA SGO may not accept donations that are designated for a specific endowed scholarship fund or department. Only donations made to the SJA SGO are eligible for this tax liability credit. If you are interested in supporting Saint Joseph Academy students in a different way, please consider contributing to our Annual Fund or by contacting Vice President of Institutional Advancement Connie Sipple.
To learn more, contact Constance Sipple, CFRE, Vice President of Institutional Advancement at 216.671.0166 or
Please note, this does not constitute income tax advice. Always consult with your tax professional for information on the impact of any charitable contribution.