Kairos Parent/Guardian Letters Needed For Upcoming Retreats
Members of the Junior Class will be attending our upcoming Kairos retreats, which are February 13-15 and February 27-March 1.
If your daughter is attending one of the retreats, we kindly ask each parent/guardian to write a separate letter to their daughter telling her what she means to them and how proud they are of her. One parent/guardian letter for each student will be read aloud to the entire group. Therefore, it is essential that every retreatant receives a parent/guardian letter. We assure you that this feature of the retreat has a very positive effect on the retreatants. It helps to further illustrate to the retreat participants that God is at work in every aspect of their lives. Parent/guardian letters will be used during a section of the retreat called “Encountering Christ in Others.”
Letters can be emailed with the subject line “Parent/Guardian Letter” and daughter’s name and which dates she will be attending Kairos to Kairos@sja1890.org, dropped off in the Main Office (attention: Ms. Alison Barberic, Parent/Guardian Letter and daughter’s name) or mailed to Saint Joseph Academy (attention: Ms. Alison Barberic).
The deadlines for parent/guardian letters are listed below:
For daughters attending the February 13-15 Kairos, the deadline is Monday, February 10.
For daughters attending the February 27-March 1 Kairos, the deadline is Monday, February 24.
Other family and friends are welcome to join in the letter writing. Letters from other family members or friends should only have the student’s first and last name on the envelope.