Celia Heisey '24

Accomplishments: For the past two years, Celia has been co-chair of the painting team responsible for transforming the Academy's arcade windows into the “Celebrate the Academy” theme. She is also a member of the Academy’s Chapter of the National Art Honor Society (NAHS). 
Celia and fellow co-chair, Grace Scullion ’24, organized, designed and painted the “Celebrate the Academy” window decorations. “Because this year's gala theme was a trip to the tropics, we wanted to incorporate tropical leaves and flowers throughout the whole window design but make it extremely organic looking,” Celia shared. It took around eight hours to paint all the windows for the event. 
Celia was inducted in the Academy’s Chapter of NAHS during her junior year. “Being a NAHS member means that all my hard work in all my classes, but especially my art classes, is being recognized by the school and nationally,” Celia shared. “I am proud to be part of NAHS. Since it is such a tiny community, it has allowed me to have leadership and service opportunities that are art-related, where I get to do them with a community of like-minded people.” 
Activities and Interests: At Saint Joseph Academy, in addition to being a member of NAHS, Celia is a member of the Engineering & Design Honors Program, National Honor Society and Crew.  
Future Career Plans: Celia plans to study Industrial Design at Syracuse University in the fall. 