Class of 2024 Celebrates Tree Ceremony and Baccalaureate Mass

On Wednesday, 166 members of the senior class participated in two beloved traditions, the Tree Ceremony and Baccalaureate Mass.
Class of 2024 donned their white caps and gown to process down the front steps of the Academy building to the sounds of Quintet for Clarinet and Strings in A by Mozart. As part of the Tree Ceremony tradition, the class gathered around the Joseph and Mary George Circle. President Mrs. Kathryn Purcell provided opening remarks and a welcome. Following Mrs. Purcell’s remarks, Vice President of Mission Dr. Jessica Wrobleski shared a heartfelt blessing for the class. Senior Bridget Collins read a poem written by Mary Oliver entitled “A Dream of Trees” before joining the members of the Senior Leadership Team, which included Vivian Ahern, Brynn Berkowitz, Olivia Clark, Rachel Garlock and Sun-Hee Smith for the ceremonial planting of their class tree. The class closed the ceremony with the singing of the Alma Mater on the front steps of the Academy building.
Following the Tree Ceremony, the Class of 2024 gathered along with their families at the Academy Center to celebrate their Baccalaureate Mass. Rev. James Winings of St. Raphael Parish joined them as presider. Mary Grady, Theresa Heffernan, Erin Hvizdos, Bridget Kelly, Keira Leneghan, Ava Puchmeyer and Veronica Talan served as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Following Communion, Principal Mr. Jeff Sutliff presented The Holy Family Award to the Schlueter Family. 
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