Emily Pavlick '24

Accomplishments: Emily was a student leader for the Kairos LV retreat.
“I chose to help with Kairos LV because of my experience with my own Kairos,” Emily shared. “My kairos last year really opened me up to knowing who I was and how I could help others in response.”

As a student Kairos leader, Emily helped lead a small group of Juniors during the retreat. “ My favorite part of Kairos LV was both my small group and my leadership group,” Emily shared. “Both were filled with people who were incredibly supportive and caring as I shared my story with everyone.” 

Reflecting on Kairos, Emily shared the following: “Kairos LV was one of the best experiences I had at SJA, and I would encourage everyone to both go on kairos and apply to lead your senior year - you never know how much you might gain from it!”  

Activities and Interests: At Saint Joseph Academy, Emily is a member of the Concert Band, Health Sciences Honors Program, Jazz Band, Knitting and Crochet Club and Latin Club. 

Future Career Plans: Emily is still deciding between biochemistry and music production as her major in college.