Julia Houghtling '26

Accomplishments: Julia was one of five students who hosted one of the Academy’s Peruvian exchange students.
In January, the Academy hosted five Peruvian exchange students from Colegio de la Inmaculada for two weeks. Each student was paired with a host student from the Academy. Katherine’s exchange sister was Luciana Díaz. 
“My favorite part about being a host was bringing someone into all parts of my life-the good, the bad, the tired, the happy, all of it,” Julia shared. “I got to show off all the things I love like my family, friends, city, church, etc. It can be hard to be so open and allow someone new to see so much of you but to me, it will always be worth it!”
During the two weeks in Cleveland, Julia and Luciana went sledding in the Metroparks, dined at numerous restaurants, took photos at the Cleveland sign and watched lots of movies together. 
Julia shared the following reflection on her hosting experience: “Getting to know Luciana and her culture and sharing mine has been everything I hoped for and more. I think this experience has taught me to put myself out there more. I am definitely an extrovert, but still new things are scary. Sometimes being out of one's comfort zone is the best way to learn.”
Activities and Interests: At Saint Joseph Academy, Julia is a member of Concert Band, Orchestra, Music Ministry, Theater and Winterguard. 
What is your favorite part about being a member of the Saint Joseph Academy community?: Julia shared the following: “My favorite part about being a member of the Saint Joseph community is the lasting connection. I love it when I'm out in Joe's Clothes and someone tells me they went to Saint Joseph Academy and how much they loved their time here.”
Future Career Interests: Julia is interested in performing arts.