
Spring Scholarship

Support the Academy at the Spring Scholarship Luncheon

Please join us for the 27th Annual Scholarship Luncheon on Thursday, May 15. Excitedly, we welcome you to this event at a new location, the Cleveland Yachting Club in Rocky River. 

Enjoy an engaging opportunity with the students of Saint Joseph Academy while reconnecting with classmates over a delicious luncheon. The proceeds from the luncheon are directed to the Academy's Scholarship Fund.

Over 77% of the students at the Academy are able to receive a high-quality, Catholic education thanks to the generosity of alumnae and friends like you. Your attendance and support at this event will directly benefit the education and growth of the young women at Saint Joseph Academy.

Spring Scholarship Luncheon 
Thursday, May 15, 2025
Cleveland Yachting Club
200 Yacht Club Dr. 
Rocky River, OH 44116
Registration/Cocktails 11:30 a.m. 
Luncheon 12:30 p.m. 
Cash Bar | Raffle | 50/50 Raffle 

Monday, May 5, 2025
The print recognition deadline is Monday, April 28

Ticket Levels

Gold Ticket $120 ($70 tax-deductible)
Purple Ticket $95 ($45 tax-deductible)
Individual Ticket $65 ($15 tax-deductible)

Raffle Ticket Opportunities

50/50 Raffle Tickets Raffle Baskets Tickets
1 for $10
3 for $25
7 for $10    
15 for $20

Sponsorship Levels

Lead Sponsor $5,000
($4,700 tax-deductible) 
  • Premier recognition in all Saint Joseph Academy pre and post event publicity, including but not limited to: website, social media promotions and the summer issue of UPDATE magazine* 
  • Premier program recognition and signage at the event 
  • Premier verbal recognition on day of the event 
  • Six Luncheon tickets 
Grand Sponsor $3,000 
($2,750 tax-deductible) 
  • Premier recognition in all Saint Joseph Academy pre and post event publicity, including but not limited to: website, social media promotions and the summer issue of UPDATE magazine* 
  • Priority program recognition and signage at the event 
  • Priority verbal recognition on day of the event 
  • Five Luncheon tickets 
Presenting Sponsor $2,000 
($1,800 tax-deductible) 
  • Premier recognition in all Saint Joseph Academy pre and post event publicity, including but not limited to: website, social media promotions and the summer issue of UPDATE magazine* 
  • Recognition in program 
  • Verbal recognition on day of the event 
  • Four Luncheon tickets 
Supporting Sponsor $1,000 
($850 tax-deductible) 
  • Recognition in Saint Joseph Academy’s summer issue of UPDATE magazine* 
  • Recognition in program 
  • Verbal recognition on day of the event 
  • Three Luncheon tickets 
Generous Sponsor $500 
($400 tax-deductible) 
  • Recognition in Saint Joseph Academy’s summer issue of UPDATE magazine* 
  • Recognition in program 
  • Verbal recognition on day of the event 
  • Two Luncheon tickets 
* UPDATE magazine is distributed to over 14,000 people.

Please note, the deadline for print recognition is Monday, April 28, 2025.
Lead Sponsor: